Page 13 - Cheyenne Family 4-H Guide
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Welcome to Cheyenne County 4-H!You are a 4-H Member—Now What?The paperwork is in, and you are officially a 4-H Member! 4-H is a Family Affair—Something the whole family can do!Let’s get started!Club Meetings and Activities – Be sure to attend club meetings and events. The best way to know what’sgoing on and coming up is to be there and hear about it for yourself.4-H Projects – Attend every project meeting you can! Project leaders are a wonderful resource. Begin working on your 4-H projects now. Do not wait until two weeks before Fair. Check with your club leader or project leader if they don’t call you! If there is no project leader, a parent may need to identify resources for the member to complete the project. Project materials are available:• Reasonably priced materials are available for every project in Kansas 4-H. You can order the materials foryour project online or contact your local Extension Office for a check out copy. Find a list of recommended materials at: Events – Get involved in county events; participate in 4-H Club Days, Spring Shows,County 4-H Camp, Day Camp, and county/district project related events.• Leadership – During your first year in 4-H, you won’t likely be an elected club officer, but pay attention because you may want to get involved in that in the future!Project Report Forms – 4-H’ers are encouraged to document their 4-H activities at the club, county, and state level with Project Report Forms This record keeping and award system also helps you track community activities and your progress in 4-H projects. Ask older 4-H members about the benefit and importance of Record Books and record keeping as they apply for higher education, prepare their resume, and submit applications for jobs. Check with your County Extension Office for due dates and where to turn them in.The Kansas 4-H Youth Development Policy Guide— includes valuable information about the Kansas 4-H Program. resources/policy-guide/Kansas%204- H%20Policy%20Handbook%13