Page 19 - Cheyenne Family 4-H Guide
P. 19

Achievement Pins and Key AwardsMember Achievement Pins awards are based on completion of minimum standards and are non competitive.Awards build upon one another and 4-H members can only receive one achievement award a year and only one of each award while in 4-H, with the exception of the first year members who may apply for membership and Bronze Award in the same year. The awards are a way of recognizing 4-H members involved in the total 4-H experience which includes club participation, community service, project participation, leadership, and more. These achievement forms may be obtained on the 4-H website or at the Extension Office. These forms need to be submitted with your KPRF on the date specified by your club leader.These are awarded to 4-H’ers who meet the requirements on the member pin application form and turn in a completed KPRF. Nine pins are awarded in a series: Membership, Bronze, Clover, Emerald, Silver, Silver Guard, Leadership, Gold and Gold Guard.Key Award 4-H Key Award recognizes 4-H members who have an “all around” good 4-H record of accomplishments. To apply, 4-H’ers must have passed their 16th birthday by December 31, completed 4 or more years and meet nine other requirements. Members complete a Project Report Form along with the Key Award form to apply for this recognition.• Members will be more successful if they plan to complete activities several years before they plan to apply for the Key Award.• Members may use their past three years of 4-H work to complete the Key Award application.19

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