Page 32 - Cheyenne Family 4-H Guide
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December 1—4-H Enrollment Deadline for re-enrolling members: Scholarships: Graduating Seniors start preparing your application. The Kansas State 4-H Scholarship is due in the office in January of the current year. The Cheyenne County 4-H Scholarship application is due March 30. Make sure and check with the Extension Office for specific requirements and due dates.NW Area Project Report Form Judging: Takes place in January, weather may change times and dates for the judging. Please be prepared to hand in the last week of December or the by the first week of January.Horse Panorama: January at Rock Springs 4-H Center for 4-H Members ages 7-18 and adult volunteers. Horse Panorama provides education and horse related contests including quiz bowl, hippology, public speaking, photography and educational posters.Beef Weigh-In for the Cheyenne County Fair: Date usually in March, watch for details. Must be enrolled in the project before weigh-in date.4-H Club Day: Watch for dates and details.Regional 4-H Club Days: Held in late March or the 1st week of April.YQCA Training: Must be completed prior to the state nomination due date for the KS State Fair and KJLS.National 4-H Conference: The National 4-H Conference is a working conference in which youth and adults, at the invitation of the Secretary of Agriculture, assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H Youth Development programs nationally and in their communities. This event brings together youth, volunteer leaders, and state and county Extension Staff members from across the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the Canadian Providences. Usually held in April at Washington D.C. for Youth 15- 18 Years Old as of December 31 of the New 4-H Year . Registration fees apply.Small Animal Weigh-In for the Cheyenne County Fair: Small animals include Goats, Sheep, Swine and Bucket Calves. Members must be enrolled in the project before weigh-in. Watch for date and details.32

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