Page 4 - January Newsletter
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Family & Consumer Science By: Melinda DailyLet’s Live a Little!Many people grow up believing it is normal for older people to become weak, to slow down, and to stop doing most of the things they once did. This is not necessarily true, although many people have taken this idea much too far. People are not weak just because they are old; people are often weak because they are inactive. A good number of older adults have believed a myth and lost much of their functional ability in the process.The good news: It is not so difficult for most people to maintain or recover their functional ability and live an active, independent lifestyle. People can significantly improve their quality of life with a few minutes of physical activity each day. Older adults can feel good and do the things they want to do with less pain and more energy. And it can be fun!Why is physical activity important?• strengthens the cardiovascular system (heart, lungs and blood vessels);• Promotes muscle strength;• Increases endurance and stamina;• Increases flexibility;• Helps reduce fatigue;• Helps produce good-quality sleep;• Helps balance and coordination;• Reduces anxiety and depression;• Helps regain physical function;• Helps prevent constipation;• Improves ability to participate in family and social activities;• helps prevent bone loss, resulting in fewer fractures; and increases life expectancy.Make Active Habits StickLet’s start the new year out right!Starting in January, I will be starting my “Knowledge at Noon” programs that will be given in Wallace, Sher- man and Cheyenne Counties for the next 4 months.The first one will be given in:Sherman County, January 8, at noon (M.T) at the Sunflower Extension office. Call 785-890-4880 to sign up.Wallace County, January 11, at noon (M.T) at the Sunflower Extension Office. Call 785-852-4285 to sign up.Cheyenne County, January 22, at noon (C.T) in the Commissioner's room on the middle floor of the courthouse. Call 785-332-3171 to sign up.The programs will be given at Noon in each county, so if you are on a break from work bring your lunch with you.Make Active Habits StickIf your doctor gave you a prescription for exercise, would you follow it? Exercise is like medicine for many reasons. Obviously, physical activity strengthens muscles, and it also prevents blood vessels from get- ting damaged and clogged. In turn, this helps prevent heart attacks, stokes, and even some types of dementia. In fact, regular exercise can be as good as medication at preventing diabetes and heart disease in at-risk peo- ple. And, it is even more effective than drugs for stoke recover.So let’s start creating our plan of action and know which activities you would like to incorporate through- out 2024.K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.