The Garden
Name: Willow Leaf Sunflower-Autumn Gold
Type: Helianthus salicifolius
Golden yellow flowers have long petals that come to a gentle point and surround dark centers. These beauties will bloom from last summer through fall. The Helianthus salicifolius has narrow foliage in a dark green hue that provides a stunning contrast against the flowers.
Sun Level: Full sun to mostly sunny
Bloom Time: Spring to Fall
Height: 24-26 in.
Spread: 24-26 in.
 Tough and adaptable; grows easily in average, well-drained soils. Water regularly in first growing season to establish root system. Once established, reduce frequency; tolerates mild periodic drought
Cut back to the ground in early spring or late winter. Divide clumps in spring or fall every 3 to 4 years.  This  will bloom right up until the first frost, so wait until after the growth dies back to remove the dead growth.
Sunflowers are generally susceptible to rust, leaf fungal spots and powdery mildew. Caterpillars and beetles may chew on the foliage