The Garden
Name: Brown Eyed Susan 'Prairie Glow'
Type: Rudbeckia triloba
Sun Level: Full sun, Partial Shade
Bloom Time: Late Summer
Height: 36 in.
Spread: 24 in.
Care: Thrives in full sun in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils.Tolerates light shade, but this plant may need support if grown in too mush shade. Heat and drought tolerant. Provide good air circulation and avoid getting the leaves wet when watering.
Disease: Fairly disease resistant, however, septoria or angular leaf spot can occur, causing brown or black angular spots on the leaves which can expand to blacken the whole leaf.
 Propagation: Remove spent flowers to promote further blooms, maintain a neat appearance and prevent undesired self-seeding. Most rudbeckias are short-lived perennials that may die out after just a couple of years. However, these plants self-seed very easily, and they grow so fast that a small patch can be sustained almost indefinitely.