The Garden
Name: Balloon Flower
Type: Platycodon grandiflorus

Distinctive balloon-shaped buds and cooling colors for your cutting garden.

Sun Level: Full sun, Partial Shade
Bloom Time: Summer
Height: 24 in.
Height: 12-30 in.
Spread: 12-18 in.
Balloon flowers make excellent plants for border gardens or rock gardens and the blooms attract pollinators. Plant in full sun for the most flowers.  They will be fine in part shade and might prefer some shade from especially hot afternoon sun. These perennials will self-sow their seed, though they aren't aggressive spreaders. The taller varieties can become floppy; stake or plant in clumps to support one another.
Deadheading plants (removing spent blooms) will help them keep blooming.  Don't remove the whole stem, just the faded flowers. Propagating by division is not recommended because the deep taproots do not like being disturbed. Instead, you can propagate by taking stem cuttings.  You can plant from seed.
They are fairly low-maintenance and quite pest- and disease-resistant outside of root rot in areas with large amounts of rainfall.