The Garden
Name: Stiff Goldenrod
Type: Solidago rigida (or) Oligoneuron rigidum
On many sites Stiff Goldenrod can be a prolific self seeder. It does well in a broad range of soil conditions so on small sites or in home garden/landscapes removal of the seed head before the seed is ripe is preferable to weeding unwanted seedlings.  Goldenrods often get blamed for causing the dreaded hayfever. This is simply not true. Their pollen is quite large and sticky to better adhere to the body of visiting insects. Because of this, goldenrod pollen cannot become airborne and can never make its way into your sinuses. The true cause of hayfever is the wind pollinated ragweeds, which broadcast copious amounts of lightweight pollen into the air.
Sun Level: Sunny
Height: 48 in.